Examination of Conscience for Confession

Sixth and Ninth Commandments

These sixth commandment explicitly forbids adultery and every external sin against chastity. The ninth commandment forbids all unchaste thoughts and desires.

Have I committed adultery with a husband or wife of a third party--adultery always adds a grave sin of injustice to the mortal sin against chastity? How often?

Was it simple adultery or multiple (i.e. Are both myself and my accomplice married or only one of us)? How often?

Has this resulted in the birth of a child or ended in the murderous act of abortion? How many times?

Have I willfully entertained impure thoughts or delayed recourse to prayer in times of temptation? How often?

Have I read immodest books (ex. romance novels) or magazines; have I watched immodest videos, television shows, or movies? How often?

Have I indulged in pornographic material or introduced and shown others pornograpy? How often?

Have I frequented immodest places of dance, clubs etc. or taken part in indecent dances? How often?

Have I willfully placed myself in the occasion of sin through bad company? How often?

Have I taken pleasure in impure conversations and thus led others to sin? How often?

Have I related impure stories or wicked actions of myself or others? How often?

Have I sung unchaste songs or recited impure verses? How often?

Have I allowed my eyes to wonder in curiosity over dangerous objects? How often?

Have I been careless about my clothing, posture, or appearance, thus exposing others to impurity? How often?

Have I permitted friendship to degenerate into sensuality? How often?

Have I taken any dangerous or improper liberties? How often?

Have I had premarital sex? With how many persons and how often?

Have I been the occasion of another sinning against chastity by seduction? How often?

Have I lived in concubinage with another (cohabitation)? The gravity of this sin is increased if adultery or bigamy be involved. For how long a time?

Have I sinned against conjugal chastity by polygamy (having more than one spouse). For how long a time?

Have I been guilty of willful divorce or desertion without just cause. For how long a time?

Have I attempted marriage after a civil divorce or been an accomplice to another committing this sin of bigamy. This act of disobedience carries an automatic excommunication in the United States of America according to the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore (1884). For how long have I lived in this state of sin?

Have I prostituted myself for personal gain whether for myself or another, whether financial or otherwise. How many times?

Have I been guilty of the crime of rape by either physical or moral force (intoxication, fraud, bribery, or grave fear)? How many times?

Have I been guilty of the sin of self abuse (masturbation)? How many times?

Have I committed any sexual acts with someone of the same gender (homosexual)--including sodomy or entertained such thoughts? With how many persons and how often?

Have I been guilty of the sin of crossdressing? How often?

Have I been guilty of unnatural sexual acts (sodomy) with someone of the opposite gender--this includes even your spouse--or entertained such thoughts? With how many persons and how often?

Have I committed sexual acts with someone related by blood or by affinity within the degrees in which marriage is forbidden by the church (incest)-or entertained such thoughts? How often?

Have I committed sacrilege by sinning against chastity with someone consecrated to God or with a sacred thing or in a holy place? These are also sins against reverence to God. How often?

Have I kidnapped anyone or held someone against their will with the intention to sin against chasity. How many times?

Have I committed the sin of bestiality. How many times?


1st Commandments
2nd Commandments
3rd Commandments
4th Commandments
5th Commandments
6th & 9th Commandments
7th and 10th Commandments
8th Commandments
The Seven Deadly Sins etc.


Music: Tomas Luis de Victoria - O vos omnes (The Tudor Consort) / CC BY 3.0
