St. Francis Xavier Apostle of India and Japan
by John C. Reville, S.J., 1919

"Few Saints are so popular as he. He is adventure and romance, epic and fairy tale ennobled and sanctified. In him the labors and zeal of the apostle are blended with perfect union with God. His long journeys, the perils he encountered from the elements and the wickedness of man, his zeal and enthusiasm, his unworldliness, his loyalty to the King he had chosen, his knightly daring, his gaiety and lovableness, his miracles, the sorrows he bore without a murmur, the enemies he made, the friends he won, the lightning-like rapidity of his conquests, the fruits of his preaching in the hearts of Hindu, Malay, Japanese and European, the blessings which even now are given by God in his name, have made him one of the great figures in her history and endeared him to her children. Men opposed to all the truths which Xavier taught and to the religion which he prized above all earthly possessions, in the presence of this giant, feel all their prejudices hushed and seem forced in spite of themselves to praise not only the apostle himself, but to recognize the truth of the religion which he preached. Thus Xavier becomes in his life and virtues, in the results he produced for the good of souls, a proof of the Divinity of the religion which he carried to the remotest East. "--page 88

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