or Some Account of St. Patrick and St. Brigid
by William G. Todd, 1859

here is an old tradition, that St. Patrick has obtained from Almighty God the privilege of being himself the judge of the Irish people at the great day of account, that from those to whom he preached the Christian faith he may exact a strict account of the way in which they have used it. As the twelve apostles will sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel, so, says the tradition, will Patrick sit upon a throne of power and glory, judging the Celtic nations to whom he communicated the faith of Christ. He will call them to account for the abuse of their gifts, and he will reward those who, in heart and work, have been faithful to the end.

nd now, in the enjoyment of his supreme happiness, this illustrious saint does not forget the people of his adoption. He feels for them in the midst of all their sufferings, and he has obtained for them the grace to keep steadfast to the Catholic Church in spite of the temptations which continually assail their allegiance. He is with them in their wanderings; he is with them in their poverty; he is with them in their troubles. His unfailing prayer is that they may be true to the Church of God at all times and in all places; that they may not forfeit by their evil conduct those gifts of faith and purity which his intercession has secured for so many of his children; and that as time goes on, the fruitful seed, which even in his own lifetime grew up into so glorious a tree, may increase and grow with the age of the world; and may hand on from generation to generation, an unbroken and uninterrupted tradition of the Catholic faith, continually stretching forth into new regions of the earth, and yet tracing back its pedigree, through the ancient saints and confessors of Erin, to Patrick, and Celestine, and the see of Peter, the mother and mistress of churches.--pages 88 - 89

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